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Release Date:2022-09-05 17:09:08  Clicks:389

ELECTROFUSION RUDUCER TEE PE100, SDR11                              

75mm inner diameter 40mm outer diameter

EF RUDUCER TEE PE100, SDR11 75mm Inner Diameter and 40mm outer diameter. For water, mining and irrigation applications. All fittings are manufactured in virgin PE100 white polyethylene. EF fittings enable utilities, designers and contractors to create fully welding pipe networks.

The production quality, reliability and flexibility of EF fittings provides the certainty and peace of mind needed for the PE pipe jointing.

Product Description: 

EF REDUCER TEE 75-40mm for water system, mining and irrigation applications. Water PN16.

Temperature range on EF fittings: -10/+40

Design standards:

The Jiufeng Supplier co., have over 40 inland and international product approvals as well as ISO9001 quality management system approvals. GB/T13663.3-2018

Jiufeng branded electrofusion fittings are 3rd party certified against the products standards listed.

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